Sunday, December 22, 2013

Arthur Findlay College

That is me standing in front of Stansted Hall at Arthur Findlay College  April 2012

I am going back to Arthur Findlay College!  I am so excited.  I will be studying with Glyn Edwards,
Eileen Davies, Kitty Woud, Maureen Murnan, and Scott Milligan.  I would be thrilled just to meet these people and I am going to do "Mediumship, Training & Development" with them, for a week!  I will be staying in this "castle" and living and breathing mediumship for about 12 hours a day.  I can't wait!  I'm going in 5 weeks, for the first week in February.

Arthur Findlay College, in Stansted, England, is considered the "Harvard" of mediumship schools, but it is a lot more like Hogwarts.  I went last year for an intensive week-long mediumship class and it was amazing.  People come from all over the planet to study spiritualism and mediumship development.  I am so glad to be one of them.

This is a quote from their website:  "The Arthur Findlay College offers facilities unequalled anywhere in the world in the Spiritualist movement as a residential centre where students can study Spiritualist philosophy and religious practice, Spiritualist healing and awareness, spiritual and psychic unfolding and kindred disciplines."  Learn more here:  Arthur Findlay College 

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Celebration  14 x 11  $450

I painted this last month on my birthday.  I celebrated me!  This was the first time I'd given myself time to paint since summer, and it was great.  I used 3 colors, plus a touch of a red added at the top.   

I am now offering Celebration paintings.  Choose a size and some colors and tell me who the painting is for. It can be for you, a loved one, or in memory of someone.  Let me know if there is a special occasion.  I will go quietly within, ask for guidance and create a special painting to celebrate the chosen person.  I will be doing the first ones for special low prices, especially for small paintings.  I'm sure they'll make fabulous gifts!

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Holiday Sale!

December Special:

10% Off Gift Certificates
plus a bag of white sage and a watercolor note card free with each one

20% off Candles, crystals, white sage, massage oils, and note cards

Mention blog special when purchasing!

Gift Certificates:
  • Are available in any dollar amount
  • Can be used for massage, Reiki, Reflexology and Readings
  • Do not expire
Gift Certificates can be:
  • Emailed to you
  • Picked up at Dragonfly Healing Arts (by appointment)
  • Mailed to you or the recipient
  • By phone
  • By email
  • In person, by appointment
Pay by:
  • Cash
  • Check
  • Credit Card
  • PayPal

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Mediumship Development Circle

I started a Mediumship Development Circle in May of 2012, after an unsuccessful search for the “right” existing circle.  I wanted a circle that was all about mediumship; not tarot cards, remote viewing, or psychic development.  I wanted a circle as opposed to a class, so that we would be communicating with dead people, not being lectured by a live person.  I didn’t want a group that spent time on healing because I had already been a healer for over 20 years.  I kept up my quest for months before considered starting my own circle.  I was kind of new to mediumship, although I had lots of experience with healing, and wasn’t sure about the idea.  I asked Rita Berkowitz (excellent medium, teacher, and mentor) if she thought I would be crazy to start my own circle.  She told me, “Put it out there for likeminded people to come together and work for Spirit and it will manifest.  You Go Girl.  If it is not there for you then create it.”  I was thrilled with her reply.    

We went through a fair number of people in the first couple of months of circle before establishing a core group of dedicated sitters.  Five of us in circle now have been there from the beginning, 18 months ago.  We are joined by lovely new people who find us at just the right time, while others have drifted away.  We have created a very sacred space.  We meet every week at the same time and place, to build a relationship with spirit.  Mediums have been doing this for 100s of years.  We have made tremendous progress in our mediumship development and created something very special.

It is all about evidential mediumship.  We spend the evening giving and receiving messages to each other from loved ones in spirit, or “dead people”.  We give as much evidence as we can, or at least as much as is needed until someone clearly recognizes the person.  We use our intent to connect with recognizable spirits of the highest love and light, coming through with loving and healing messages for the highest good of the receiver.  We ask for hard validating evidence, including names, descriptions, memories and evidential messages.  There is seldom anything vague about our connections and we’ve communicated with many spirits.

We started inviting guest sitters to the first circle of each month about a year ago.  “Guest circle” is fun and exciting.  We usually have four people come, some with no experience with mediumship, for us to give messages to.  We ask our own loved ones to stay home that night so we can focus on our guests.  Most of them cooperate.  Future posts will detail some of our guest circle episodes, as well as interesting events in our regular circles.  I’ll be chatting about spirit guides too, and other cool topics.  I have lots of post ideas so I hope you’ll be joining frequently to read about the path of this particular medium.  Thanks!

Friday, October 4, 2013

New photos of the office

Note the art - original watercolors by Sharon Farber, of course
Comfy table

Nice view!  (If you are too short to see the roof)

The "cave"

Friday, September 27, 2013

Welcome to Dragonfly Healing Arts!

 Welcome to Dragonfly Healing Arts, at 8A Wickett Street in New Hartford, CT.  We offer massage therapy, Reiki and other energy healing, Reflexology, Mediumship, Yoga, Meditation and other healing and spiritual offerings.